12 hours at the site of the Kent State shootings

12 hours at the site of the Kent State shootings

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KENT, Ohio — Kent State University commemorated the 52nd anniversary of the May 4, 1970 shootings Wednesday.

What You Need To Know

  • The shootings on Kent State’s campus left four dead 
  • The Ohio National Guard opened fire into a group of anti-war demonstrators
  • To this day, the university community still mourns the lives lost 

On the Kent campus are outlines of the places all four of students died — a stark reminder of what happened more than five decades ago.

Every year, a group of volunteers goes above and beyond to honor those who lost their lives by spending 12 hours at the memorial site. 

The tradition starts at 11 p.m. on May 3 with a candlelight march.

This year, more than 100 people participated in the march. But for a small group of dedicated volunteers, including Christopher Kent, the vigil does not end there. 

The volunteers take turns with 30-minute shifts, holding a candle for each personal memorial. 

“The light of Bill, Allison, Sandy and Jeffery,” Kent said. “[This symbolizes] that their light will never go out.” 

In between their shifts, the volunteers try to get some quick naps in, and even though they don’t get much sleep, Kent said the experience leaves him feeling refreshed each year. 

“I actually feel re-energized. It’s nice to come here and reflect,” he said. “It gives you a chance to think about what is important in your life and what is important in the world.”  

Now, the current generation of these overnight volunteers are looking to the younger generation to continue this tradition. 

“People understand that this is bigger than day-to-day life,” he explained. “This is about a tragedy that shouldn’t have happened, and people need to remember that.”

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