13-year-old Kentuckian hoping to advance on Americas Got Talent

13-year-old Kentuckian hoping to advance on Americas Got Talent

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WALTON, Ky. — A northern Kentucky singer is hoping his group continues to advance on a popular talent competition show watched by millions of people on TV.

What You Need To Know

  • 13-year-old Gage Butler is hoping to advance on America’s Got Talent
  • Butler was invited to perform with the Acapop! Kids on the show
  • Celebrity judges, including Simon Cowell, loved their audition
  • Butler says the support of his two parents has been an enormous boost to his young career

Trying to balance that with starting a new school year, and everything else that comes with being 13-years-old, isn’t the easiest task for Gage Butler. But the America’s Got Talent contestant is trying to take everything in stride.

A lot of kids today think they can make it big on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, but that goal’s a lot more attainable when one has the talent Butler does.

“It’s just fun to do it, in my opinion, and I’m thankful I have a good ear for music,” he said.

He’s also got the advantage of two loving parents who are both 100% supportive of his musical pursuits, and all-in on the journey with him.

“My mom sings, so she would always be there to guide me, teach me things, tell me if I’m doing something wrong,” Butler said.

His mother, Meagan Butler, said she herself has been singing her whole life.

“But I never had any opportunities like him. So now I’m just living through him with that stuff,” she said.

Gage’s father Ronnie Butler doesn’t sing.

“But I get to listen to it all,” he said.

“Oh, and he loves every second of it,” replied Meagan.

“So if we’re both singing at the same time, he’s hearing two different things repeating over and over until we get it right,” Gage added, walking lockstep with his parents through a park in Walton. It’s not far from where they live in Crittenden.

Gage’s viral videos led to an appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, which certainly was far from home.

“It’s different. Because I didn’t think that just like a small social media app could turn into millions of people watching videos, and be on tv now, and stuff,” Butler said.

Gage Butler (bottom center) joined the Acapop! Kids for their audition on America’s Got Talent. (Acapop! Kids)

His videos also led to him getting noticed by the group the Acapop! Kids.

Their manager asked Butler to join them for their audition on America’s Got Talent.

“It was very surprising, and I was very shocked. Because I had been a fan of Acapop! Kids since like the first year they came out, and it was just a cool moment to know that I’m going to be on just an amazing show with them,” Butler said.

The group sang a tribute song called “My Turn,” which was written by former member Nolan Gibbons, who passed away.

The celebrity judges, including Howie Mandel, Heidi Klum, Sofia Vergara and Simon Cowell, who can be famously tough on performers, gave glowing reviews.

“So emotional. So respectful, by the way. And it was what I call a moment. I love you guys. Absolutely brilliant,” Cowell said.

Butler said he’s still processing it all.

“I wasn’t clicking it in. It was just very surreal. And it was so weird seeing them in person. And after hearing the good things that Simon said, it was very rewarding. Because I feel like we did really good. And it was just a cool moment,” he said.

The Acapop! Kids became one of 55 acts to move on to the semi-final live rounds, which will take place in August.

The Butlers got to watch the episode as a family.

“Oh my gosh, it was incredible,” Meagan said. “Seeing him walk on that stage, it was just a moment I’ll never, ever forget. And I continue to watch it almost daily.”

Gage said, much like his mother, he’s been singing since he could talk. The videos started just a few years ago. Music may be in his blood, but even at just 13, he said he never could’ve seen all of this coming.

“I just never saw myself doing this, and it’s really cool to be having these opportunities,” he said. “I want to take it as far as possible, actually. I hope to be writing songs and letting people listen to my music.”

With his voice and his family, he has a brilliant head start.

You can vote for the Acapop! Kids to move onto the next round until 7:00 a.m. the day following their live round performance using the America’s Got Talent app.

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