Organization shares the importance of keeping the homeless warm during the winter

Organization shares the importance of keeping the homeless warm during the winter

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AKRON, Ohio — For many Ohioans, chances are they understand what it’s like to be cold. The winters in the Buckeye State may oftentimes feel brutal, even if when bundled up.

What You Need To Know

  • Cold weather may cause serious health issues or even death for people who are homeless
  • The Homeless Charity provides people with live-saving warming items
  • They are currently in need of several items

It is why Lerryn Campbell with The Homeless Charity and Village works hard to keep those living without shelter safe during the cold months. 

“I like to say, think of the coldest day of your life, maybe you were out sledding as a young child or maybe you are a college student. Think about the coldest day of your life and how that felt,” Campbell said. “For us, we know it’s going to end, we know we are eventually going to get warm, we are going to go in where there are some blankets, or we have some heat. But for someone who is living outside in a tent or other structure, they don’t have the luxury of that feeling ending or knowing when it is going to end.”

Whenever a person in need comes to the doorsteps of The Homeless Charity, Campbell always welcomes them with open arms and fills their bags with necessities.

Campbell said people who are newly homeless are oftentimes at a higher risk of suffering from cold-related issues.

“So someone like the gentleman who just showed up here, often they don’t know how to put up a tent or how to keep themselves warm, they don’t know some of the basics.” she said. “We tell people don’t sleep in the clothes that you have worn all day, which is difficult for people, but when you perspire in your clothes and you lay down for the night that keeps you cold.”

In order to keep helping people, the charity relies on donations from the community.

Right now, the organization is in need of many items including matches, lighters, candles, men’s clothing, flashlights, batteries and powdered milk. 

The Homeless Charity and Village may be contacted through its Facebook page. 

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