COVID surge causes crowded hospitals

COVID surge causes crowded hospitals

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CLEVELAND — It’s been nearly two years since the COVID-19 pandemic started and there’s no sign of it slowing down.

What You Need To Know

  • COVID numbers are surging in Ohio
  • A doctor at the Cleveland Clinic says ICU’s are full
  • Dr. Duggal said most of the patients are unvaccinated

“Most of our hospitals, their ICU’s are running at 100% capacity. When you look at the Cleveland Clinic system what you’re seeing that this is perhaps the highest number of hospitalized patients and ICU patients that we’re seeing across Northeast Ohio since the start of the pandemic almost two years ago,” said Dr. Abhiji Duggal the vice-chair department of critical care at the Cleveland Clinic.

The question now is why? Duggal said it really comes down to the patients the hospitals are treating.

“About 80% of our [COVID] patients that are coming to the hospital are unvaccinated patients. ” said Duggal.

Duggal said it’s too early to say how many deaths we’ve had with the omicron strain of the virus.

“It’s a little bit early for us to talk about if there is any significant changes with the covid associated deaths with this wave right now. What we do know, at least at the Cleveland Clinic system, is that we’ve been pretty consistent in terms of our mortality associated with COVID. The severity of the disease will really be the most important factor iassociated with death,” said Duggal.

Duggal said the recent surge can likely be attributed to people gathering with family for Thanksgiving, as numbers quickly increased in the days after. And as we head into the next holiday, he said it’s important for people to keep themselves, and others safe.

“I think it’s very important for us to reiterate that vaccination is the most important thing that you can do,” said Duggal. “At this point of time this remains the most effective tool for us in our armamentarium.” 

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