Cincinnati Zoo celebrates Fiona the hippo turning five years old

Cincinnati Zoo celebrates Fiona the hippo turning five years old

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CINCINNATI — It’s Fiona the hippo’s fifth birthday and the Cincinnati Zoo is making sure she’s being celebrated, and while it’s too cold for Fiona to be outside on her birthday, plenty of virtual celebrating was planned for Fiona fans all across the world to join in on.

What You Need To Know

  • Fiona the hippo is five years old
  • Fiona was born six weeks premature at just 29 pounds
  • A team of about 25 veterinarians, doctors and zookeepers helped keep Fiona alive while she was young and unable to stand or feed form her mom
  • Now, Fiona is a happy and healthy hippo

Fiona has become perhaps the most famous hippo in the world, after she was born six weeks premature at just 29 pounds, about half the weight of an average hippo calf at birth. 

(Photo courtesy of Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens)

“She’s come so far,” Jenna Wingate, Fiona’s primary zookeeper, said. “But those first days, or months even, were really, really difficult.”

Wingate has been by Fiona’s side since day (and night) one.

“It was hard, especially the first few days to believe that she would even survive,” she said. “So, I spent the first night with her and it was terrifying. I was alone, once the vets left at like 11 p.m. I was there until 5 a.m. alone. Just hoping nothing horrible happened while I was in charge of her.”

But thanks to a team of about 25 veterinarians, doctors and zookeepers, they were able to keep little Fiona alive.

“Imagine like the first human being premature, and how they handled their care, it was kind of like guess and do your best sort of thing,” Wingate said. “So, we were really proud of what we were able to accomplish.”

And now, five years later, Fiona is as happy and healthy as can be.

“We’re just so excited that she made it to five and is still growing and doing everything that hippos should do,” Wingate said. “And still actually really making people happy five years later.”

And while Fiona wasn’t outside to celebrate, the zoo made a special birthday tribute video that Fiona fans could watch for $5. Some even coming to watch the video in person outside Hippo Cove.

(Photo by Katie Kapusta)

“What’s really amazing is how many people she has brought together,” said Sue Meyer, a zoo member and Fiona fan. “No matter where we’re from, no matter what our beliefs are, she’s just really a [unifier]. And like my friends were saying, she’s a fighter.”

Wingate said it’s hard to believe Fiona is five, but she’s grateful for all the times the hippo has made so many people across the world smile.

“She’s just got a big personality and always looking for attention, comes to say hi to all of us when we walk in the building.” Wingate said. “She’s just really special. It’s not all about food for her, she likes relationships too.”

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