One man works to Halt Violence in Columbus community

One man works to Halt Violence in Columbus community

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — Most days of the week, you’ll find Thell Robinson at the Halt Violence headquarters. His past has brought him to this moment.

What You Need To Know

  • Thell Robinson’s incarceration led him to want a better lifestyle for himself and his community
  • Halt Violence started in 2014 and offers mentorship, deescalation, job opportunities, and more in downtown Columbus
  • Robinson was a 2018 Echoing Green Fellow

“My lifestyle of violence as a drug dealer, God spared my life after doing everything I did,” said Robinson.

He said he sold drugs in Baltimore and Washington, D.C. before moving to Columbus and selling drugs on the north and south side. The temporary actions became a permanent lifestyle that led to his incarceration. After serving his time, he realized he had a role to play in mending the community he helped break.

“These young adults and youth are the victims of the drugs that we sold in our day,” said Robinson.  

He started Halt Violence in 2014. The nonprofit helps at-risk individuals of all ages by providing relationships and mentorships from a place of non-judgment and understanding. Conflict deescalation and credible role models are the secrets to Halt Violence’s success. Robinson was named an Echoing Green Fellow in 2018, where he could get training and funding so to become a social leader in the Columbus community.

Robinson says the key to connecting to today’s youth is listening.

“It’s being relatable to their time and not our time and once you do that, they’ll open up to you,” said Robinson. “That’s when you can start the process of building a relationship.” 

The nonprofit has been a force in Central Ohio — mainly by word of mouth. Carlyn Thompson, 15, heard of the program through his cousin. He saw the impact Robinson could make in his cousin and recognized that he could make a few changes himself. Thompson stops by the Halt Violence office a few times a week to receive hands-on mentorship.

He also gets a chance to blow off steam by playing an Xbox in the front office. Thompson’s time with Halt Violence has refocused his priorities back to his grades, sports and a future job in construction.

“I just want them to know that it’s more out there than just what they see,” said Thompson. 

The nonprofit has partnered with companies and organizations to provide job opportunities for some of their clients who may have felonies. They provide interview and resume workshops, interview attire and budgeting courses. Robinson says employment will get young people off the street, but financial literacy is what will keep them off the streets.

“These are the conversations that we have so we can help these young men navigate how to budget their check and not spend how they used to spend in the streets, because in the street you spend it how it comes and you can’t do that,” said Robinson. “You have to live check to check.” 

Columbus saw 204 homicides last year and 91% of them involved the use of firearms, Columbus police reported. The city has already seen numerous homicides this year and Robinson knew a few of the victims personally. He says while the work can be hard, it’s critical to do, now more than ever.

“We create that safe space, you know,” said Robinson. “When a person comes through that door or when we engage with someone in the community, we are meeting them right where they’re at.” 

Halt Violence can be found in downtown Columbus. If you or a loved one are interested in learning more about Halt Violence and the resources they offer, you can find them online


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