Cincinnati therapy dog now a finalist for Cadbury bunny ad

Cincinnati therapy dog now a finalist for Cadbury bunny ad

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CINCINNATI — A therapy dog from Cincinnati could be the new face of the Cadbury bunny commercial. The dog’s owners said they believe a special skill of hers will help. 

What You Need To Know

  • Annie Rose is a 5-year-old therapy dog in Cincinnati, and her owners said can sniff out when someone was feeling down and comfort them 
  • They trained Annie to be a therapy dog, dressed her up, and throughout the pandemic, took her to nursing homes to help
  • Now they’re dressing her up as the Cadbury bunny and are hoping to win a spot in a TV advertisement

From the moment Lori and Jack Rahn brought their dog to their Cincinnati home, they said they recognized something different about Annie Rose. 

“We think she’s been here before,” said Jack.

They didn’t know what all Annie could do, but they quickly found out when she went up to a stranger.

“She went to that lady, put her head on her lap and just stared at her. It was obvious something was going on, and the lady says, ‘I’m terminal,’ and she’s picked up on that,” said Lori.

From then on, they said Annie could sniff out whether someone was hurting inside and always knew how to comfort them. 

“Sometimes a walk in the park for her, you never ever know what that might be for us, so that made us then decide that, OK, there’s something here. She’s picking up on something, so that’s when we started looking into therapy work and stuff,” said Lori.

They trained her to be a therapy dog and throughout the pandemic, the couple dressed her up and took her to bring smiles to people in nursing homes

“She’ll just lay her head in their lap, and they’ll just love on her,” said Jack.

Everyone else seemed to love her when they posted it on social media, so they kept dressing her up in costume after costume, and they’re hoping the next one will help Annie make her commercial debut. 

She’s become a finalist to be in the infamous Cadbury bunny commercial.

Win or lose, the Rahns said maybe a smile is what we all need right now. 

“This is so nice to have a break from life, and everybody’s taking ownership and voting for her, and everybody’s just so excited, and that means more to me than anything,” said Lori. 

The public can vote for their favorite animal through March 22. Click here to head to the page to cast your vote. 

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