Planned Parenthood still offering abortions and other health services in Ohio

Planned Parenthood still offering abortions and other health services in Ohio

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CINCINNATI — For years Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio has offered abortions and various other health care services to clients in need, but since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe Vs. Wade, it seems people aren’t sure what it means in terms of what services their clinics will now provide.

What You Need To Know

  • Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio is still accepting patients for abortions
  • Abortions can be done up to six weeks after conception
  • Planned Parenthood offers other health care services such as STI testing, wellness exams and gender-affirming care
  • There are 21 Planned Parenthood locations across Ohio

Planned Parenthood centers across Ohio remain open and accepting patients for abortions. There are presently 21 locations across the state. 

“Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers are following the current low, which means we can only provide up to six weeks which is really the detection of fetal tones,” said Lauren Blauvelt-Copelin, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio vice president of government affairs and public advocacy. 

For abortions, Blauvelt-Copelin said the two types are medical pills and a surgical removal of the pregnancy cells. But with the six-week cutoff, she said it will be difficult for people to get abortions in time. 

“People of color, people living in rural areas, people in the LGBTQ community, people who are already underserved by our health care system are going to have the greatest challenge finding that care,” she said. 

Abortions comprise just 3% of the sexual and reproductive health care services Planned Parenthood offers in Ohio, according to Blauvelt-Copelin.

“We provide everything from birth control, cancer screenings, STI testing and treatment,” she said. “We provide gender-affirming care and we also provide comprehensive sex education.”

Planned Parenthood also provides same-day contraception for their clients.

Dr. Adarsh Krishen, chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio, said it is important for their clients to have the resources as soon as possible to prevent pregnancy. 

“That’s why we have this very strong commitment, to be sure that we do everything that we can so that if you opt for an IUD, and you’re an appropriate candidate for it, you can get it the same day,” said Krishen. 

Blauvelt-Copelin said the services are just as important as the abortion services offered, and said they’ll continue to fight for people having an equal opportunity to get one. 

“We are committed to continuing to provide high-quality care to all our patients, comprehensive sex education to all of our clients and we will continue to fight for access to abortion here in Ohio,” she said. 

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