Breonna Taylors aunt speaks out about her arrest in Akron

Breonna Taylors aunt speaks out about her arrest in Akron

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AKRON, Ohio — Friday night, more than 100 people gathered in Akron for a large candlelight vigil and protest following the fatal shooting of 25-year-old Jayland Walker. 

What You Need To Know

  • Protesters were arrested in Akron during demonstrations over the fatal shooting of Jayland Walker 
  • Prominent activists from across the country were arrested in northeast Ohio during a protest earlier last week
  • Protesters said they will continue until they feel their voices are heard 

Several prominent activists spoke during these protests, including Bianca Austin, the aunt of Breonna Taylor. 

She said the way the Akron police have handled these protests is worse than any other department she has dealt with. 

“This is by far the worst, the worst experience with a police department that I have had,” Austin said.

Earlier last week, Austin was arrested during a protest in Akron and charged with rioting, disorderly conduct, and failure to disperse. 

“We have been treated like terrorists while we were here,” Austin said. “We have been chased down, we’ve been assaulted by the police and we were even jailed last night.” 

Austin came to northeast Ohio to support the family of Jayland Walker.

“For me it just hit home,” Austin said. “Of course, as you know, my niece was killed in her own home from police shooting blindly into her apartment.”

Austin said she wants to see changes in the way police respond to citizens here, and across the country. 

“We think we are getting closer and closer to some type of accountability for our families and then tragedies like these continue to happen,” she said. 

Austin also said she is disappointed with the way the mayor of Akron has handled the situation. 

“I want the mayor to be out here to support. We need the mayor to be out here, even if you don’t accept any responsibility, acknowledge that an innocent life was lost,” she said.

Austin said protests will continue until they feel their voices are heard. 

“What was done to Jayland Walker, I want the community to know,” she said. “Don’t wait [until} it happens to you. Get out here and support.”

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