Kentucky woman launches nonprofit to help families of first responders

Kentucky woman launches nonprofit to help families of first responders

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COVINGTON, Ky. — Samantha Cotton and her husband, Sam, spent time as volunteer first responders with Fort Mitchell’s fire department and Boone County Water Rescue.

What You Need To Know

  • Samantha Cotton’s husband Sam was diagnosed with a brain cancer and passed away in 2021
  • She said he and her are volunteer first responders 
  • With him passing outside the line of duty, she learned resources were limited
  • She founded Stronger Than Yesterday to help people in similar situations

When he was diagnosed with brain cancer, it took over their lives quickly.

“We didn’t even get to start chemo or radiation, it was going that quick,” Cotton said.

She lost her husband in his battle with cancer in late 2021. It affected her and those other first responders who knew him.

Sergeant Cindy Wilson, with the water rescue team, knew Sam as a kid and watched the two of them fall in love.

“I watched these two grow together. I watched them become a couple. I watched their life change. Samantha’s life changed that day… she called me in the morning and told me what had happened and I was completely beside myself,” Wilson said.

Cotton said she was struck with a harsh reality when her husband passed.

“If you die in the line of duty, there’s tons of organizations and things to help. But if you die outside [the line of duty], there’s nothing,” she said.

This screenshot shows Stronger Than Yesterday’s website. (File Photo)

This inspired her to put the tragedy to good use and make something positive out of it. She then founded Stronger Than Yesterday, a new nonprofit designed to be of help and provide resources to those families in similar shoes.

“It’s a lot to go through after you lose somebody like that, so I want to be there to help people,” Cotton said.

Cotton’s husband was there to help others, so she’s on a mission to do the same.

“He was such a giving spirit and always wanted to help others, so I have to continue that legacy of his,” she said.

Cotton said the organization is raising money through a 5K in Fort Mitchell on Aug. 13, 2022. More information on this and the nonprofit can be found at their website.

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