Bars and restaurants look forward to sports betting for boost

Bars and restaurants look forward to sports betting for boost

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CINCINNATI — The application window is open for bars, restaurants and gaming hosts to file for a Type-C sports betting licenses, which would allow for sports betting kiosks to be added to their operation. 

What You Need To Know

  • Legal sports betting will begin Jan. 1, 2023, in Ohio
  • Bars, restaurants and bowling alleys can now apply for Type-C licenses
  • Restaurant owners are excited this opportunity can drive customers into their businesses 
  • More than 700 locations are pre-approved across Ohio


Business hasn’t been booming for Kitty’s Sports Grill in Downtown Cincinnati.

“Our weekday business is nowhere what it used to be because of all the people still working remote,” Bill Watson, Co-Owner, Kitty’s Sports Grill, said.

Watson said since the pandemic started fewer people are working downtown, which means fewer people stop by for lunch — even fewer people are stopping by even for Reds games. 

Watson said it’s been a struggle to find sales and staff, so he, his wife Betty Watson, and son Garrett Watson run the operation. 

But Watson is excited for a new opportunity on the horizon — stepping into the world of Sports Betting. 

“We’re definitely looking forward to it,” Watson said. “I think it would be a nice draw for people to come in and be able to bet on any game, any… you name it. 

Bars and restaurants, like Kitty’s, hope that by adding these sports betting kiosks it’ll be a big boost for business.

The initial application window for the Type-C license is now open. 

“For those restaurants and bars that would like to be considered to start on that universal start date of January 1st, 2023,” Jessica Franks, Communications Director, Ohio Casino Control Commission said. “They’ll need to have their applications in the U.S. by August 15.”

Franks said the deadline doesn’t mean hosts won’t be able to participate, but could cause a delayed start. The Ohio Lottery lists 707 locations are pre-approved

Franks said since this is a new space for the state, there’s a lot to learn. For the consumers who will use the kiosks, this will also be the case.

“The commission does encourage Ohioans to gamble responsibly,” Franks said. “There are a lot of resources available both on our website and in a lot of local communities. And there’s plenty of help available and services available for those who would like some more information they can go to for more information.” 

As a new era in Ohio draws near, potential hosts, like Watson, are excited about what’s coming for his restaurant and his guests.  

“They don’t have to go to Las Vegas, or somewhere, Indiana or wherever to bet,” Watson said. “They could come here, place a bet, head to the Reds game, the Bengals game, whatever, so. I think that’ll be nice.” 

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