House Democrats set to pass sweeping climate, health care bill

House Democrats set to pass sweeping climate, health care bill

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The House of Representatives is set to pass a flagship Democratic economic bill Friday, placing President Joe Biden on the brink of a major victory on his climate, health and tax goals that could energize his party ahead of November’s elections.

What You Need To Know

  • The House of Representatives is set to pass a flagship Democratic economic bill Friday, placing President Joe Biden on the brink of a major victory on his climate, health and tax goals
  • The roughly $740 billion measure includes the largest investment to fight climate change in U.S. history and allows Medicare to negotiate the prices on some prescription drugs
  • The bill is expected to pass without any Republican support in the House, just like it did last weekend in the Senate
  • Democrats are seemingly united behind the bill, despite the fact that it’s a fraction of what they initially wanted to pass last year; Republicans are universally opposed to the measure, claiming it will worsen inflation 

Democrats were poised to muscle the measure through the narrowly divided House Friday over solid Republican opposition. They employed similar party unity and Vice President Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote Sunday to power the measure through the 50-50 Senate.

The roughly $740 billion measure includes the largest investment to fight climate change in U.S. history and allows Medicare to negotiate the prices on some prescription drugs. It also establishes a 15% corporate minimum tax on companies worth $1 billion or more, enhances IRS enforcement and introduces an excise tax on stock buybacks.

The package is but a shadow of Biden’s initial vision and was produced only after a year of often bitter infighting between party leaders, progressives and centrists led by Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., empowered by that chamber’s even split. Ultimately, Democrats thirsty to declare victory forged a compromise on abiding goals like reining in pharmaceutical costs, taxing large companies and, especially, curbing carbon emissions.

“This landmark legislation marks the largest ever federal investment in climate action, putting the United States back on track to cut carbon pollution by 40%, by 2030,” Congressional Progessive Caucus chair Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., said Friday at a press conference outside the Capitol.

“Climate is a health issue. It’s a jobs issue. It’s a security issue. And it’s a values issue for us,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told reporters this week. “I want more, of course, we always want more, but this is a great deal.”

Democrats are hoping to show they can wring accomplishments from an often fractiously gridlocked Washington that alienates many voters.

“The next thing we need to do is hold the House, win a couple of seats in the Senate, so that we can become Manchin and [Arizona Sen. Kyrsten] Sinema-proof,” said New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman, referring to the two moderate Democrats who forced the party to reduce the size and scope of the bill.

The bill’s pillar is roughly $370 billion over 10 years to encourage industry and consumers to shift from carbon-emitting to cleaner forms of energy, hailed by experts as Congress’ biggest climate investment ever. The bill also includes $4 billion added to cope with the West’s catastrophic drought.

Among the climate benefits, the bill includes rebates on the purchase of energy efficient appliances for the next decade, a tax credit for homeowners of up to 30% of the value of big clean energy projects, like rooftop solar, and a $7,500 tax credit on the purchase of a new electric vehicle for Americans making less than $150,000 per year.

“We want every consumer to get everything they can out of this bill,” White House national climate adviser Gina McCarthy recently told Spectrum News. 

In a pair of top Democratic health priorities, another $64 billion would help 13 million people pay premiums over the next three years for privately bought health insurance. Medicare would gain the power to negotiate its costs for pharmaceuticals, initially in 2026 for only 10 drugs. Medicare beneficiaries’ out-of-pocket prescription costs would be limited to $2,000 starting in 2025, and starting next year they would pay no more than $35 monthly for insulin, the costly diabetes drug.

The bill would raise around $740 billion in revenue over the decade, over a third from government savings from lower drug prices. More would flow from higher taxes on some $1 billion corporations, levies on companies that repurchase their own stock and stronger IRS tax collections. Around $300 billion would remain to defray budget deficits, a fraction of the period’s projected total of $16 trillion.

Republicans say the legislation’s tax hikes will force companies to raise prices, worsening the nation’s bout with its worst inflation since 1981 that is wounding Democrats’ election prospects. Nonpartisan analysts say the measure will have negligible inflation impact one way or the other.

Echoing other culture war themes, the GOP has criticized initiatives like tax breaks for clean energy and electric vehicles as wasteful liberal daydreams. “If the Green New Deal and corporate welfare had a baby, it would look like this,” said Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas, the House Ways and Means Committee’s top Republican.

One member of the House GOP, Texas Rep. Chip Roy, threatened that Republicans should shut down the government next year in order to force Democrats to repeal the bill should they retake Congress.

“What Republicans ought to do – I would personally say that we should deny them a physical quorum today, I wouldn’t even play their game today flying in here and having 175 people voting by proxy – but if this thing passes today, which I assume it will … I would say we should defund all of these entities and we should commit to repealing this bill on day one if the American people give us the power and give us the control in the House,” Roy said on Fox News on Friday.

“We should fight this with everything we have,” he continued. “No more speeches, no more ‘here’s we’re gonna do,’ no more hearings, come in on day one and say ‘we’re gonna shut this government down, shut it down’ until they stop going after the American people ,” he added.

Republicans say Democrats’ plan to expand the IRS budget, aimed at collecting about $120 billion in unpaid taxes, envisions 87,000 agents who’d be coming after families; the claim has been roundly debunked by fact-checkers. Democrats called foul, saying their $80 billion IRS budget boost would be to replace waves of retirees, not just agents, and to modernize equipment, and say families and small businesses earning below $400,000 annually would not be targeted.

The GOP also says the bill would raise taxes on lower- and middle-income families. An analysis by Congress’ nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation, which didn’t include the bill’s tax breaks for health care and energy, estimated that the corporate tax boosts would marginally affect those taxpayers, partly due to lower stock prices and wages.

The bill caps a fertile three months in which Congress has voted to improve veterans’ health benefits, gird the semiconductor industry, moderately strengthen gun restrictions for younger buyers, finance Ukraine’s war with Russia and add Finland and Sweden to NATO. All passed with bipartisan support, suggesting Republicans also want to display their productive side.

It’s unclear voters will reward Democrats for the legislation after months of painfully high inflation dominating voters’ attention. Though record gasoline prices have dipped, Biden’s popularity dangles damagingly low and midterm elections have a consistent history of ending careers of lawmakers from the party that holds the White House.

Democrats’ economic bill had its roots in early 2021, after Congress approved a $1.9 trillion measure over GOP opposition to combat the pandemic-induced economic downturn. Emboldened, the new president and his party reached further.

They initially produced an ambitious 10-year, $3.5 trillion environment and social plan they called Build Back Better. It featured free prekindergarten, paid family and medical leave, expanded Medicare benefits, increases for education and housing and an easing of immigration restrictions. It sought to roll back Trump-era tax breaks for the rich and corporations and proposed $555 billion for climate efforts, well above the resources in Friday’s legislation.

With Manchin opposing those amounts, it was sliced to a roughly $2 trillion measure that Democrats moved through the House in November. Just before Christmas, Manchin unexpectedly sank that bill, citing fears of inflation and international uncertainty and earning brickbats from exasperated fellow Democrats from Capitol Hill and the White House.

With on-and-off closed-door talks between Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., seemingly dying, the two lawmakers shocked Washington and announced agreement last month on the new, pared-down package.

Manchin won billions for carbon capture technology for the fossil fuel industries he champions, plus procedures for more oil drilling on federal lands and promises for faster energy project permitting.

Centrist Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., also used her leverage for late concessions, eliminating planned higher taxes on hedge fund managers and helping win the drought funds.

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