American Red Cross shares ways to help hurricane relief efforts

American Red Cross shares ways to help hurricane relief efforts

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CINCINNATI — Hurricane Ian made its mark on Florida and other parts of the east coast beginning Wednesday, leaving many homes and communities destroyed. 

What You Need To Know

  • American Red Cross is aiding hurricane Ian relief efforts in Florida and other parts of the east coast
  • Officials say tens of thousands of people have sought shelter to escape the storm
  • They say the best way to help right now is to financially donate to the red cross
  • They also say people can apply and sign up to volunteer

“When people see the images of devastation on their television screens or see photos in the newspaper or any kind of images on their phone, they always want to help,” said Marita Salkowski, regional communications director with the American Red Cross of Cincinnati.

Salkowski said it’s doable to help from afar right now. The American Red Cross is accepting financial donations that can specifically go toward Hurricane Ian relief. “We can turn those dollars into whatever is needed most. Whether it’s supplies, whether it’s putting staffing in place to help the situation, it is the most efficient way to help people,” she said.

Hundreds with the American Red Cross are already on the ground in Florida, with more on the way out to aid in relief efforts along the east coast. Salkowski said volunteers are also very important in relief efforts for any emergency. “If the images of this disaster are prompting you to that final push to volunteer with the American Red Cross, we ask that you do so,” Salkowski said.

She said everyone will be trained and matched with different jobs they could do. It’s a long road to recovery for those affected by Ian. Salkowski said over 30,000 people so far have sought shelter to escape the storm. “So many people are without power, they need somewhere to stay and have a good night’s rest, get a hot meal,” she said.

More information on volunteering and donating can be found on their website


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