How to keep your pets healthy, happy on Halloween

How to keep your pets healthy, happy on Halloween

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — Holidays can be fun for many people, but it can also be a hazard for pets.

What You Need To Know

  • Halloween can be a potentially dangerous holiday for animals
  • Dr. Wisecup, a veterinarian, says to make sure pets don’t feel anxious with all the trick-or treaters at the door
  • Make sure kids ask before petting an animal
  • If putting your pet in a costume, make sure it fits properly

Dr. Michelle Wisecup, a veterinarian at the Ohio State University Medical Center, said holidays are when they see an influx of patients. With Halloween coming up, Dr. Wisecup shared some ways people can keep their pets safe. 

Keeping animals away from candy is big, but so is ensuring that your pet does not feel anxious when trick-or-treaters come to the door. Dr. Wisecup said people should find a safe space for their animals if they become anxious. 

“Kind of in a comfort zone for them so they’re not able to hear or see what’s going on up front would be an option, but first off you just need to recognize if you have a pet that has anxiety. You know, have a conversation with your veterinarian about things that you can do to try to make that evening, you know, not torturous for them,” she said. 

Wisecup also said it is important to make sure your kids are respectful to pets when they are going to other people’s houses. The No. 1 thing people should do is ask before touching an animal.

“It’s always good practice to ask, but in general the safest route is to maybe not even interact with their pet, especially if they’re showing some signs of aggression,” she said. 

Although Halloween costumes on pets can be really cute, Dr. Wisecup said that animal owners should make sure their pet feels comfortable in a costume.

“Our standard rule with collars or any type of item that you’re putting on is that you can slide two fingers underneath it loosely and slide it along. That way you can say ‘hey, they can breathe comfortably’ and all that,” she said. 

Dr. Wisecup said people should make plans for their animals on Halloween both to ensure their safety and to make their night more enjoyable.

“Just making sure that you prepare and recognize, you know, what’s going to put your pet in the safest situation,” she said. 

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