Cleveland hosts resource fair to help veterans find support

Cleveland hosts resource fair to help veterans find support

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CLEVELAND — Cleveland hosted a Veterans Day Resource Fair on Friday with the goal of exposing veterans to the resources available to them in their community. 

 What You Need To Know

  • Cleveland hosted a resource fair for veterans on Veterans Day
  •  The goal was for veterans to be exposed to the resources available to them in their community
  • Tim Hauser, a veteran, was there educating veterans on the PACT Act
  • 50 vendors were present to help veterans get the help they may need 

​Tim Hauser, an Operation Desert Storm veteran, was at the fair.

“Veterans Day to me is, it’s like being acknowledged,” Hauser said.

He was set up with a booth at the event so that he could help his fellow veterans.

“A lot of information was not getting out to my fellow veterans, such as nonprofits that are there to help them, other legislation that’s in the works that they need to know about,” said Hauser. “So that’s one of the reasons why I have this booth. I want to teach them what the PACT Act is all about and how it’s going to help them.”

The PACT Act helps give veterans who were in burn pits or exposed to other toxic substances some benefits.

“Know that these resources are here, gives us hope. It gives us the encouragement to take care of ourselves better,” Hauser said.

Hauser wants people to look out for veterans today and every day, in hopes of veterans continuing to get the help and resources they need.

“Check up on your veteran. Make sure they’re OK,” Hauser said.

There were 50 vendors at the event, including University Hospitals, the USO and Step Forward.

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