Community Police Commissioners approved by Cleveland City Council

Community Police Commissioners approved by Cleveland City Council

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CLEVELAND — Cleveland City Council approved the city’s new Community Police Commission Monday night, appointing all 13 nominees at its meeting.

The resolution adopted by city council is effective once Mayor Justin Bibb signs, appointing the 13 nominees to the commision.

What You Need To Know

  • The resolution adopted by city council is effective once Mayor Justin Bibb signs, appointing the 13 nominees to the commision
  • The nominees were randomly allocated either four or two-year terms
  • This commission replaces the city’s previous commission and is an independent oversight body
  • The commission was established just over a year after voters passed Issue 24

The commissioners include: Dr. John Adams, Shandra Benito, James M. Chura, Charles Donaldson Jr., Pastor Kyle Earley, Alana Garrett-Ferguson, Cait Kennedy, Gregory Reaves, Jan Ridgeway, Piet van Lier, Audrianna Rodriguez, Teri Wang and Sharena Zayed. 

The nominees were randomly allocated either four or two-year terms.

“This is an historic moment in our city’s long journey towards police reform. While Cleveland’s Community Police Commission first emerged out of the consent decree, this commission will live beyond it with greater powers and real independence to truly make a difference,” Bibb said in a news release. “This commission is destined to leave a legacy of progress. With the changes implemented by the charter amendment, it’s strong enough to deliver real accountability and make lasting change.”

According to the ordinance, the commission will serve as the overarching authority alongside the Civilian Police Review Board to conduct investigations and pass on decisions, rather than recommendations on police misconduct. 

This commission replaces the city’s previous commission and is an independent oversight body with more resources and authority to make decisions on police training, policies and discipline. 

The commission was established just over a year after voters passed Issue 24. The commissioners were each selected by the community after an extensive public engagement processs involving 25 community leaders.

The original framers of Issue 24 and police union representatives were involved in the process and narrowed down the list of applicants. 

Following interviews by a Selection Advisory Panel and background checks, the nominees then had interviews with the Mayor’s Appointments Committee, which recommended approval by Council for all the nominees.

Each member of the commission broadly represents the racial, social, economic and cultural diversity of the city, including members who represent immigrant/refugee, LGBTQ+, youth, faith and business communities. Several are members from civil rights organizations, one is a designated police association representative and many have personal experiences that fulfill the intent of the ordinance.

The Bibb administration said it is committed to fully funding the commission as decribed in the ordinance

The commissioners must take an oath of office before beginning a customized training program. 

2022 Cleveland Community Police Commissioners

Dr. John Adams, 4-year term 
Shandra Benito, 2-year term 
James M. Chura, 4-year term 
Charles Donaldson Jr., 4-year term 
Pastor Kyle Earley, 2-year term 
Alana Garrett-Ferguson, 4-year term  
Cait Kennedy, 2-year term 
Gregory Reaves, 2-year term 
Jan Ridgeway, 4-year term 
Piet van Lier, 4-year term 
Audrianna Rodriguez, 4-year term 
Teri Wang, 2-year term 
Sharena Zayed, 2-year term

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