Increased travel means more chances to spread illness this holiday

Increased travel means more chances to spread illness this holiday

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CLEVELAND — Ohio’s COVID-19 cases have been on the rise since Thanksgiving, and with more holiday travel coming up, health professionals fear there will be an increase in the number of cases for COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and the flu — all of which have similar symptoms. 

What You Need To Know

  • Coronavirus cases have been increasing since Thanksgiving
  • AAA estimates 112.7 million people will travel this upcoming holiday 
  • Concerns for COVID, influenza, and RSV, among others 

“If you’re sick, stay home,”  said Dr. Amy Edwards, a pediatric infectious disease expert at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland.

The American Automobile Association (AAA) estimated more than 112 million people will be traveling this holiday season. Edwards said she suggests people take basic precautions if they’re under the weather.

“Wash your hands, you know, a lot of the same stuff we’ve been talking about for three years now,” she said.

Edwards also recommended changing the air filters in your home, having the fan on or cracking a window if you are hosting a holiday gathering.

“Anything you can do to improve air circulation wherever you’re gathering with your friends and family,” she said.

With many families gathering this year for the first time since the pandemic started, there may be some irresistably cute new faces in the mix. Edwards said young children are particularly vulnerable, as they’re not old enough to get vaccinnated for many viruses.

“If someone in your family has a baby under six months of age, and I know you’re so excited to see them because it’s the holidays and we love seeing the new babies in our lives, but if you’re not feeling well, if you’ve got the sniffles, maybe skip your turn holding the baby,” she said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to recommend getting vaccinated against coronavirus, RSV and influenza. 

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