Solutions to help dry skin in the winter

Solutions to help dry skin in the winter

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Is there any solution to preventing the inevitable dry skin and chapped lips during the winter months?

There is.

What You Need To Know

  • Cold, dry air will cause your skin to dry out
  • Some products help prevent dry skin
  • Look for certain ingredients in lotions and lip balm

Revisiting the cause behind dry skin in the winter

Your skin is more prone to drying out in the winter months. Here’s why.

In summary, cold air holds very little moisture. It will try to take moisture anywhere it can, including from your body, causing your skin to dry out and your lips to chap. 

( Bowden)

Does lotion help?

If you’re anything like me, you try anything to prevent your skin from drying out.

I try to remember to apply lotion and moisturizer every day. This is a good first step because it is scientifically proven to help maintain moisture in your skin.

However, I tend to choose lotion solely based on if it smells good. This mindset will not help you find the most effective lotion and could lead you to a product that may cause added irritation to your skin.

Instead, dermatologists recommend looking for the following ingredients in lotion:

  • Glycerin
  • Shea butter
  • Cocoa butter
  • Ceramides
  • Hyaluronic acid

These ingredients have great moisturizing benefits.

( Solario)

What about lip balm?

I also feel like I go through a tube of chapstick a day. Does this constant routine do anything for my chapped lips?

Well, it all once again depends on the product you’re using.

If you see that a lip balm includes alcohol, avoid it. Although it will give your lips an immediate soothing sensation, it won’t help you long term.

And just like my “if it smells good” approach with lotion, it is also not a good idea to follow that with lip balm. Some fragrances in lip products can cause irritation and even allergic reactions.

Other ingredients you should avoid are: 

  • Phenol
  • Menthol
  • Salicylic acid 

These ingredients can cause your body to stop generating natural moisture in your lips.

Here are the ingredients you should look for in a lip balm: 

  • Glycerin
  • Mineral oil
  • Aloe
  • Lactic acid
  • Sorbitol
  • And any of the ingredients mentioned in the lotion section

Last but certainly not least, always make sure your lip balm contains at least SPF-15.

Although you may not be as likely to apply sunscreen in the winter, it is still important to prevent UV rays from damaging your skin all year round.

Hopefully, these tips will help you out when looking for lotion and lip balm on your next shopping visit.

And remember, one of the best ways to help maintain your body’s moisture is to stay hydrated.

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