Seasonal employment helps college students find jobs, gain versatile workplace skills

Seasonal employment helps college students find jobs, gain versatile workplace skills

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CLEVELAND — Heather Wilde does the hiring for Market Garden Brewery. She said she temporarily hires college kids during breaks since they are eager to get some work when they’re out of school. 

What You Need To Know

  • College students are on their winter holiday breaks.
  • Summer breaks and holidays are busy times and a good opportunity for college students to find seasonal work.
  • Market Garden Brewery lets some college students try their hand in different departments.

​“College kids have a great drive,” Wilde said. “They always want to be working, and they have an availability that is isn’t completely open so it’s nice when I need a couple days here and a couple days there.” 

Wilde said once they hire someone who is in school, they hope to bring them back during the next break, so they won’t have to train someone new. 

“They already know what they’re doing,” Wilde said. “They can just come in and clock in and start rolling silverware we like to start people at the front door.” 

Devin Maler is a marketing student at Cleveland State. He’s often working with his hands and knows he has a job waiting for him when school’s out. 

“Holidays and summer are always gonna be the busiest season, and then I have more available time to be here and make money, so it’s great,” Maler said. 

He’s a barback and also helps market the Market Garden. He’s made a QR code card for a bar crawl,

“It was like a last-minute thing because we were scrambling and had so many events going on,” Maler said. 

He’s made a number of designs and videos for the bar’s social media pages. 

“I’ve been learning a lot just by being in a marketing scene and taking knowledge from a school and being able to use it in my real life,” Maler said. 

Wilde said the company aims to help students find careers in and outside the basic restaurant operations. Some part-time hires may get their feet wet in the brewery across the street, and that can turn into a career. 

“Our head brewer started as a barback, and he worked his way up to a head brewer now,” Wilde said. 

Maler said working in different departments makes someone more versatile, and in Devin’s case, he can become more employable once he graduates.

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