Amid debt ceiling fight, Jeffries calls for setting aside political gamesmanship

Amid debt ceiling fight, Jeffries calls for setting aside political gamesmanship

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As a battle over whether to raise the federal debt limit looms, House Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries is asking Republicans in Congress, particularly those on the far-right, to set aside what he calls “partisan and political gamesmanship.” 

Otherwise, Jeffries said in a NY1 interview that the country will face a litany of serious consequences.

“In our country’s history, which is about 247 years old, the United States of America has never defaulted on our debt. And if we were to do so, because of extremist Republicans in the House, that will have grave consequences for Social Security, for Medicare, for the economy and the, in fact, not just for the country, but for the world,” Jeffries said.

In addition to his comments on raising the debt ceiling, Jeffries also spoke about the migrant crisis unfolding at the southern border, Rep. George Santos’ mounting controversies, and the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Watch the full interview above.

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