Lawyer turned YouTuber shows how to declutter your life

Lawyer turned YouTuber shows how to declutter your life

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CINCINNATI — New year, new goals to get organized. That’s what helped one Cincinnati mom quit her job as a lawyer and become a full-time YouTuber. 

What You Need To Know

  • Laura Hutchinson, a former lawyer from Ireland, came to Cincinnati and made a video about folding clothes
  • Her video on folding clothes went viral, so she started making more YouTube videos helping people get organized
  • She started a business to help people get rid of things and live a minimalist lifestyle

From her shirts to her socks, what Laura Hutchinson has in her closet at home is all neatly organized and she went viral for it. 

“I thought if I share what’s working for me, it might help another mother out there,” said Hutchinson. 

Her YouTube video on folding clothes now has almost three million views. That’s when this busy mom and former family lawyer from Ireland did something different in Cincinnati. 

“I always planned on returning to my legal career, but once it took off and once I saw how it was helping other people, I stuck with it,” said Hutchinson. 

She left her job as a lawyer for good to become a full-time YouTuber.   

“It’s been exciting and amazing and completely unexpected,” said Hutchinson. 

She says she’s now making more money off the ads in her organizing videos than she did as a lawyer and she says that money helped her start a new venture. 

“It’s how to GYST, it’s how to get your ‘stuff’, is the family-friendly version of it, together… it started because I felt like I didn’t have my stuff together,” said Hutchinson.

As she taught herself, she started teaching classes you can buy online to get rid of clutter. She said she’s been doing it for the last five years now and she says this time of year is always the busiest.

“January’s always a big time. I found the pandemic was really good also because everyone was at home and dealing with all of their stuff,” said Hutchinson.

She said some of her decluttering secrets include starting small.

“One shelf, one drawer means that you can build on your success and go from there,” said Hutchinson.

She also said get comfortable when your organizing to keep yourself motivated or in her case turn it into something that could change your life. 

“It’s really about making life easier for yourself, that was the huge benefit for me…having less stuff really helps with that,” said Hutchinson. 

For more information and decluttering tips, click here.

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