Life Learning Center launches employment program to help people with a troubled past

Life Learning Center launches employment program to help people with a troubled past

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COVINGTON, Ky. — It’s a goal at Life Learning Center to help people. Director of Development Laura Berkemeier said they help at-risk adults live up to their highest potential, and offer care and educational type of programming to help them do that. That includes helping these adults with finding a job.

What You Need To Know

  •  Life Learning Center helps people build life skills and tackle employment aspirations
  • They recently launched a new employment pilot program 
  • This was madepossible through a grant through the city of Covington 
  • It allows Life Learning Center specialists to go to places of employment where graduates work to provide more support as they tackle being back in the workforce

“We know that employment is a serious topic right now. Employers all over the tri-state, all over the country are looking for reliable employees,” Berkemeier said.

She said those at the Life Learning Center might have a past with substance abuse or incarceration. She said at Life Learning Center, employees help those with a troubled past do better in life and in work through their life skills programs. But now they’ve got a program to further their efforts that will allow for LLC specialists to provide support for their clients wanted to re-enter the workforce.

“We’re going to start going into the businesses once a week, and basically just trying to provide support for the employees they have and the candidates we have there to just deal with difficulties they may have outside of the workplace,” Employment Specialist Abigail Birch said.

Berkemeier said a grant through the city of Covington allows them to further work with businesses they’ve partnered with previously. They will now be able to have LLC specialists on site once in a while to provide peer support or help recognize external factors such as child care or transportation issues that may hinderhow a graduate of their program performs in the work world.

It’s a twelve month pilot program for now.

It also allows them to potentially help other employees get referred and help employers in further recognizing issues that plague a marginalized group of people who just want to work but face barriers.

“It’s difficult to sit here and say that these people should be punished for the rest of their lives for something they did when they were young and dumb or even if they’re old and dumb and just made a mistake at that point. So being able to give them a second chance at being back in society as a successful individual is just great to be apart of,” Birch said.

More information on Life Learning Center’s programs can be found here.

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