International photographer shines light on Indigenous communities

International photographer shines light on Indigenous communities

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Schumacher Gallery at Capital University is home to the “Dignity” exhibit created by international photographer Dana Gluckstein, whose work highlights Indigenous cultures from all over the world. 

What You Need To Know

  • “Dignity” is on display at Capital University 
  • The artist, Dana Gluckstein, started as a corporate photographer 
  • She ventured out to capture Indigenous communities on various trips 
  • Her main goal is to tell history through photos

Gluckstein has spent most of her life capturing the history of Indigenous communities. Her start as a corporate photographer led her to travel all over the world. After her scheduled shoots, she’d find herself venturing out to see the Indigenous communities and their way of life.

“I had to ask myself ‘Why is this L.A. city girl finding herself constantly with the passion to be in these other locations and to be with cultures that are so different from ours?’ ” said Gluckstein. 

After years in the business, she found that other cultures were not so different. Her Jewish background helped her find common ground with many of the cultures and communities she visited. She realized the common denominator was the yearn and the struggle to hold on to one’s culture.

“How people from all over the world were fighting for their land, their water, their air, their rights, their culture, their dances at the same time,” said Gluckstein. “The story was surfacing everywhere.” 

One of her most known collections of art is called “Dignity.” It features 60 photos of Indigenous peoples and how they navigate the colliding worlds of tradition and modernization. The exhibit was integral in getting the U.N. to adopt the U.N.’s  Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2010.

“The human rights declaration was the first document that really discusses the importance of governments everywhere to provide all of the essentials for our Indigenous peoples, that they deserve the same rights as others,” said Gluckstein. 

Gluckstein said it’s important to share history through art, especially with the youth, because it’s important to know the past in order to build a brighter future. The knowledge, learning about the Holocaust, learning about slavery, learning about the savage ways that Native Americans were treated, really a different story about the founding of our American history. Our children deserve that,” said Gluckstein. “Children want to learn the truth, and it’s important that we do that.” 

“Dignity” is on display at Capital University’s Schumacher Gallery until April 1. Gluckstein is currently working with Amnesty International USA to bring awareness and resources to Native American women who need access to a more fair criminal justice system. You can learn more about their cause here


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