Local nonprofit leader excited for potential tax breaks for infant necessities

Local nonprofit leader excited for potential tax breaks for infant necessities

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COLUMBUS — Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has proposed a budget that could give much-needed relief to foster care families in the state.

That could be a boost to Maya Ward, the executive director and founder of the nonprofit “Alicia’s Closet.”

What You Need To Know

  • In Gov. DeWine’s proposed fiscal budget, he mentioned tax relief for families 
  • Gov. DeWine proposed $2,500 per child for childcare and other resources
  • Local nonprofits are hopeful that this gets through the legislature

She also serves as a proud foster mom who supplies basic necessities to foster care families in central Ohio through her nonprofit. Among those needs are diapers, strollers, clothing and hygiene supplies.

“Growing up, my dad worked for the foster care system,” Ward said. “He worked with aged-out youth, and many of them were young moms as well, which is what inspired me to want to become a foster parent myself and to kind of enter this world.”

Ward explains how grateful many foster moms are to receive the items they need to provide for their children. She also notes that the formula shortage has made it increasingly difficult to provide for children with higher needs.

“Our budget asks you to repeal the state sales tax on critical infant supplies such as diapers, wipes, cribs, car seats, strollers, and safety equipment,” said DeWine during his State of the State address onb Tuesday.

The budget also includes a new state income tax deduction of $2,500 per child.

“It’s a budget that focuses on our people, on our families, and our children. For they are truly Ohio’s greatest assets. It reflects our obligation to make sure every Ohioan has the tools to succeed,” said Gov. DeWine.

“It does become emotional at that point when you’re thinking about children,” said Ward. “Not getting their basic needs met, being able to broaden our reach and serve more children and families in our community is huge.”

The final version of the fiscal budget will be available in June. Senate President Matt Huffman told Spectrum News he doesn’t see any issues with the budget going through, but the GOP split between supporters of House Speaker Jason Stephens and Representative Derek Merrin could make the process a little harder.

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