Sports betting helping other attractions at casinos, racinos

Sports betting helping other attractions at casinos, racinos

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CLEVELAND — Angela Matthews of Jack Entertainment said the new sportsbook at Thistledown Racino is a hit and that she’s seeing about a 10-15% increase in the number of people walking through the doors.

What You Need To Know

  • Angela Matthews of Jack Entertainment said the new sportsbook at the Thistledown Racino is a hit
  • She’s noticed a 10-15 percent increase in the number of people walking through the doors
  • She said they’ve seen a younger crowd

“What we’ve seen is actually a demographic we haven’t seen,” Matthews said. “A little bit younger crowd. Definitely Ohio sports fans have been coming and when we have events the place fills up.” 

She said the bars inside have become a place to come and watch the games, with sports betting kiosks nearby. 

“It’s an increase of energy and fun that not only the sportsbook area receives,” Matthews said. “It’s the entire property. It’s the team members. The bartenders that work the bar. It’s the slot attendants that work the floor.”

Their restaurants also have a whole new customer base: sports fans who want to get something to eat while their bet plays out during the game. 

“A lot of times we have games going,” Matthews said. “We also have people that come into Miilcreek (Grille), wanna sit down have a steak, still be able to watch the game, can go make bets at the kiosk around the corner or even go down to the sportsbook if they’d like to as well.”

Matthews said the Jack Casino in downtown Cleveland is also bustling with new guests, noting that it can attract fans heading to a sporting event near the casino. 

“Now they can stop at a kiosk or at our sport betting windows,” Matthews said. “Place a bet on the sporting event that they’re actually going to.” 

Jack has its own sports betting app, but Matthews said the in-person experience also helps, since it draws people inside towards the other attractions. 

“Honestly a lot of times people are in here, they just want to experience the energy of there’s a game going on,” Matthews said. “They come down here and hang out. And so​me of them are making bets on their phone while they’re here instead of getting up each time to go to the kiosk.” 

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