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Exploring Ohio: Wildflower Bloom Report

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Spring is here, and after a mild winter, several kinds of wildflowers are already popping up across the state. This also means the return of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Wildflower Bloom Report.

Scarlet paintbrush. (Andrew Gibson/Assistant Botanist with ODNR)

The 2023 Wildflower Bloom Report is updated every Friday through the end of May. Each week, it details what wildflowers are in bloom, budding, and coming soon. The Wildflower Bloom Report is categorized in south, central, and north regions of the state. 

If you find wildflowers but don’t know how to identify them, check out the Ohio Spring Wildflower Field Guide and Ohio Spring Wildflower Checklist. If you take a picture and share it on social media, be sure to use the #OhioWildflowers.

Vrenal iris. (Andrew Gibson/Assistant Botanist with ODNR)

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