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Educators bringing Black men’s health to forefront

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CINCINNATI — The pandemic brought issues like mental health to the forefront, but educators say it’s still going under-reported, and even more so among Black men. College educators are hoping to change that. 

What You Need To Know

  • University of Cincinnati educators say issues like mental health are going under-reported among Black men
  • They plan to open up conversations on issues like mental health, careers and education during a new summit 
  • The Black Male Summit will take place on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the University of Cincinnati’s African-American Cultural & Resource Center

Edward Wallace gathered his notes together before speaking about what he says is an alarming trend affecting Black men. 

“The biggest challenge within the Black community amongst Black men is the stigma around mental health,” said Wallace.

Wallace teaches about health disparities at the University of Cincinnati and said many times, issues like mental health go under-reported and the impact is detrimental.

“So many African-American males feel as though if we go get counseling, if we talk about our issues that will show some sign of weakness, and so that is something our narrative that we actually have to change, but when we don’t talk about it, we tend to have a breakdown in our community,” said Wallace. 

On Saturday, he’s taking to the podium during a new summit at the University of Cincinnati, the Black Male Summit. 

Arthur Walton is a long-time educator and adviser helping to organize the event at the university’s African-American Cultural Center.

He said there will be discussions on things like health, careers, leadership and education.

“We want to encourage brothers to go out and do things in the community. We want people to learn some things about themselves, but also go back and, you know, reach back out to the community and hopefully do things for other brothers,” said Walton.

They said it’s all an effort to help bridge the gap. 

“I think it’s important that people continue to have this conversation. I think it’s very important for African-American males to see themselves and wanting to better themselves mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and I think that will put us on the right path and into a much more healthier society,” said Wallace.

The Black Male Summit will be on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the African-American Cultural and Resource center at the University of Cincinnati. 

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