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Students compete in regional Civics Bee in NKY

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HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, Ky. — Twenty students competed in the National Civics Bee Regional Competition in Northern Kentucky on Saturday.

“I honestly like to get involved in like civics and stuff because I personally find it very interesting,” Josephine Frimpong said.

What You Need To Know

  • Twenty finalists competed in a National Civics Bee Regional Competition on Saturday
  •  The competition was put on by the NKY Chamber of Commerce and NKU
  •  Questions about government and civics were asked
  • The top three finalists go on to the state competition

Frimpong’s a sixth grader at E.J. Hayes Middle School. She was one of 20 finalists, ranging from grades six-eight, regionally competing in the competition. Those with the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce helped put on this live quiz event at Northern Kentucky University.

Officials said a wide range of civics and government type of questions were asked with a panel of judges and in front of an audience consisting of family and other loved ones.

“Questions about the constitution, a lot of questions around how the government was formed, laws that govern our democracy,” Vice President of Talent Strategies at the NKY Chamber Nancy Spivey said.

Frimpong said she had some educational support behind her as part of her reasoning for going out for the annual competition as well. She said it was nice to get out, answer some questions, learn and connect with others.

“It’s honestly really fun,” Frimpong said. “Like the person I’m sitting next to, I just got to know them.”

Spivey said it was more than just a competition of knowledge- it was a chance for these young minds to further show off their civic interests.

“Seeing that students care about civics and they understand the important role that democracy plays in our governments. Exciting to see the enthusiasm of the students,” Spivey said.

The top three finalists from this go to Louisville for the state competition in August. Oliver Victor, Rashad Agayev and Leigh-Nichole Crabbe were deemed the victorious three at the competition.

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