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Cyclists opt for used parts amid higher costs, shortage of new parts

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CLEVELAND — The biking boom during the pandemic is one of the reasons why Antione Powell opened his own bike shop in February.

What You Need To Know

  • Biking is still a popular hobby since the pandemic
  • The demand caused a shortage of new bikes and parts
  • Customers are opting for used parts since they’re less expensive and more available

He has collected a lot of used parts in his career, which he said are a popular choice for customers since they cost less.

“Even on a handlebar,” Powell said. “You’ll get this handlebar new, it’s like $49. This used one, $23. They do exactly the same thing. Same color, you get the same result and you save some money. Especially instead of ordering something and waiting on it to get in stock. A lot of times, these are a lot more convenient and good on price.”

He said that’s been helpful since some new parts are hard to come by. The Census Bureau found that worldwide bicycle imports have hovered around $120-160 million since the summer of 2020.

The Census Bureau also found that the bike and the parts shortage happened from 2020 through 2021, citing supply chain issues and temporary factory closures due to the pandemic.

Powell said one customer chose to refurbish an old bike with some used parts.

“Instead of getting a new bike, he decided to take his old bike and kind of bring new life to it by switching out the bars and the shifters,” Powell said. 

Powell said even though manufacturers are catching up with the demand, he said some new parts like these pedals are still hard to find.

“It’s a better product, and if you’re more into bikes, you realize the benefit of this,” Powell said. “And you’re gonna want it down the line and they’re not manufacturing these as often as the inexpensive ones.”

He said some new parts could cost more now, which is another reason why people choose to buy used.

“Initially it was because of a bike shortage,” Powell said. “And then it was a part shortage. Now those factors are still on play. Not as much as they were before but now another factor is now inflation.”

Powell said one of the main reasons people pick a used part is so they don’t have to leave their bike in the shop as long as waiting for a part to be delivered.

“Now is the time to ride and people wanna ride,” Powell said. “And if they don’t have to wait for parts to come and they can save money. A lot of people are open to the used aspect.”

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