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State allocates $9.8M to help students safely get to school

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OHIO — Gov. Mike DeWine’s office announced that they are investing $9.8 million into 37 districts across 25 counties as part of their Safe Routes to School program.

One district getting money is Fairview Park. Patrick Cooney, the city’s mayor, is excited about the improvements.

What You Need To Know

  • Gov. DeWine’s office announced it is giving nearly $10 million to the Safe Routes to School program
  • Fairview Park is one of the school districts receiving the money
  • The district plans to invest in adding additional safety measures near one of its elementary schools

“Sixty-five percent of the students at Fairview Park city schools walk or ride their bike to school, so having improved crosswalks, lighting is really going to be beneficial to the kids and really to the whole community,” he said.

Fairview Park is receiving just over $270,000. Cooney said they are putting most of the money into one of their elementary schools.

“Near Gilles-Sweet elementary we’re going to have new crosswalks, we’re going to have some new lighting along Alexander which is just to the north of the school, we’re also going to have a speed sign on 220 which is near the school and then throughout the community we’re going to have high visibility crosswalks painted,” he said. 

Cooney said that Fairview Park first applied for this money back in 2022 after it assessed the schools in their city.

“We had some help from ODOT in observing our schools and how the students come and go to class and then based on those observations a plan was developed,” he said. “There were recommendations for improvements near Gilles-Sweet and in the community.”

Fairview Park and Cooney have hopes that this encourages more kids to walk to school.

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