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City of Dublin test runs robotic lawnmower

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DUBLIN, Ohio — Humanoid robot helpers may still seem far-fetched, but robots have become a big help around the house when it comes to cleaning, laundry and vacuuming. 

So it’s no surprise they’re capable of more, like yard work. 

What You Need To Know

  • The City of Dublin is performing a test-run on an autonomous lawnmower for a pilot program 
  • The battery-powered unit navigates by GPS
  • City leaders said the goal of the autonomous lawnmower is to be more efficient and sustainable 

The City of Dublin is testing that theory on Dublin City Hall’s front lawn.

“I would love to have one at my house,” Director of Public Service Jay Anderson said. “So, I think it’s very cool.”

A group of high-schoolers named it “Lightning Mow-Queen” — appropriate when considering its job title.   

“I got a kick out of it,” Anderson said.

But this robot isn’t here for the shock value. It’s a test-run of a pilot program in the City of Dublin, looking for more efficient and sustainable lawn care options. 

Anderson said the unit is small but capable of a lot.  

“He can perform up to an acre’s worth of mowing in a 12-hour period,” Anderson said.

Anderson uses an app to control it, but the machine is battery-powered and is pre-programmed, running entirely off GPS. 

Of course, it also saves humans time and energy. 

“This will potentially allow us to free up some more staff to get some tasks done within some of our city parks that we’re unable to get to just because of staffing,” Anderson said.

The ultimate goal, though, is sustainability. 

“It is battery powered,” Anderson said. “So we’re not emitting CO2 gases, and we look into that long-term as it fits in our strategic framework.”

Anderson said high-technology like this is a step in the right direction.

“We want to be on the forefront of technology, and we want to continue to look at these new ideas and new thoughts and new products,” Anderson said. “So, we’ll continue to do so.” 

“Lightning Mow-Queen” will continue its test-run for at least a year before city leaders look into expanding the program. 

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