A match made in ‘Who Dey’ heaven

A match made in ‘Who Dey’ heaven

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CINCINNATI — Married Bengals super fans Who Bae and Bengals Captain form a dynamic duo who hope to inspire other fans to break out of the shell and embrace their fandom.

What You Need To Know

  • Bengals Captain and Who Bae are married Bengals fans from Columbus
  • Their love story started and keeps growing thanks to their shared love for the Bengals
  • The couple tries to make every game they can in person, but are always supporting the team and other fans
  • The long-time Bengals fans are excited for the future of the team, but are living in the moment in hopes for a Super Bowl

It all started with a Who Dey. 

“Our first date, we were out at a comedy club, and she said he was from Cincinnati, so I gave her ‘Who Dey,’” Bengals Captain said. “She gave me a ‘Who Dey’ back, and oh, that did it. That did it.”

Bengals Captain and Who Bae are well known in the jungle. Through the years, their personas have developed to Super Fan status, but it’s their combined love for the Bengals and each other that keeps their relationship thriving. 

“We’re both huge Bengals fans at the same time equally,” Bengals Captain said. “I lucked out. I won the wife lottery.”

Who Bae is from Fairfield, a city just north of Cincinnati. She bleeds the Orange and Black. 

“We have a lot of pride of where we’re from, and so being proud of your team is just as great as being proud of your city,” she said. 

Part of her mission as a notable fan is to lead by example, showing other female fans that it’s cool to be a super fan, too.

“Started my own show this year, that’s for women,” Who Bae said. “That’s kind of helped us branch out and give us a voice, and I and I feel like that’s something that has really been special and it’s something that I’ve really been inspired by the Bengals organization with Katie Blackburn and Elizabeth Blackburn and all these really strong women that are in positions of power within the organization. And that’s really kind of what’s inspired me to be a bigger fan and to show my fandom and not be afraid of it and not be worried about what people are going to say.” 

They’ve been season ticket holders since 2011, and through the years their popularity has grown as their characters have evolved — just as the team’s success has over the past year. They are both amazed at the possibilities if the Bengals make the Super Bowl. 

“This could be life changing, this could you know, people could gain strength from, and I know it sounds silly — but you know, everybody’s looking for heroes — everybody’s looking for that glimmer of hope,” he said. “Right now, this is our movie. You know, we’re going to get that championship. I absolutely believe it.” 

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