Afghan businessman flees threats, sends money to support people back home

Afghan businessman flees threats, sends money to support people back home

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CLEVELAND — Sabir Safi works hard to run his business Sabir’s Gemstones LLC.

What You Need To Know

  • Sabir Safi sells gemstones from Afghanistan in Cleveland
  • Safi said he sends the money he earns from the business back home to support other people in Afghanistan
  • He said he came to the United States to protect his family after he faced a direct security threat

“These stones come from Afghanistan originally,” Safi said, organizing his newest shipment.

Safi sells gemstones that are mined and cut in Afghanistan. He said he does it all to support his family and others back home.

“I sell it here at a price that is better for them, and I send the money back to them and it helps them to feed their kids back in Afghanistan,” Safi said.

Safi said he was even more motivated to help the people of Afghanistan after the Taliban took over the government this summer. 

“Whatever happened back in Afghanistan was unexpected and the changes that took place were very rapid,” Safi said. “So, it has a very worse scenario for everybody. To support people (and) families back in Afghanistan, it’s very important to promote this business here, and through this we can help the people of Afghanistan — not everyone, but at least some families.”

Safi said that he understands the power of a helping hand.

He fled Afghanistan in 2020 after he said his family’s safety was threatened because of his work with the United States. He said the threat still exists for the family that remains there.

“My parents are there, my brother is there and sisters are there. But, directly, it was very worse for me and my kids,” Safi said.

He said that he misses some aspects of his old life. But ultimately, he knew that he had to make the difficult decision to leave to protect his family. 

 “I am happy that I am here in the United States, where (the) lifestyle is very much different than Afghanistan,” Safi said. “I’m just looking for the opportunities for my kids.”

Excellent education opportunities and quality healthcare are among some of the advantages Safi said his family has enjoyed while living in the U.S.

In his spare time, Safi also works with the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants to help other new families also enjoy these benefits. 

“We are helping them — resettling their new life in the United States,” Safi said. 

Safi said his youngest son was born in Cleveland, making him the first U.S. citizen in their immediate family.

It’s a kind of satisfaction that Safi said made their difficult journey to the United States worthwhile. 

“We feel very good about that and hopefully a day will come that we all will have a citizenship here,” Safi said. 

If you’re interested in learning more about Safi’s business, contact him via email at 


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