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Air Force recruitment struggling amid political climate

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PARMA HEIGHTS, Ohio — U.S. defense officials discussed military recruiting challenges at a recent Senate hearing. With branches unable to reach their goals for the year, these recruiting shortages come at a time of increased geopolitical tension, such as with the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. 

What You Need To Know

  • U.S. defense officials recently discussed challenges with recruitment 
  • One Parma Heights high schooler is looking to join Air Force
  • The Air Force reported that it was about 200 people behind its ideal pace of enlistments

​David Medina is an Air Force special operations recruit. He has been doing the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and fire academy training program.

It’s all part of the long-term path to where he wants to end up.

“The long-term goal is to make it to pararescue, which is airfare special operations,” he said. “We do a lot of combat search and rescue, so I feel like having this emergency medical technician background is really gonna help me.”

Medina is also getting his firefighting training, which is meant to help him get the skills he may need in the Air Force. 

“You got to do something for your country,” he said. “It’s not what can your country do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

About three months into the fiscal year, the Air Force reported that it was about 200 people behind its ideal pace of enlistments. As tough as the training can be, Medina knows what it’s going to take to serve his country.

“I have two older brothers who are both in service-related aspects,” he said. “That definitely pushed me a little bit, but since I was a little kid I wanted to be in uniform.”

Medina is 17-years-old, and is still in high school. He knows he has a long road ahead of him, but he’s keeping the end goal in sight for when is in pararescue. 

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