Akron parents react to potential teacher strike

Akron parents react to potential teacher strike

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AKRON, Ohio — Friday was the first day back after winter break for students at Akron Public Schools and it could be their last day back in the classroom if teachers go on strike on Monday. 

What You Need To Know

  • The Akron Education Association and the Akron Board of Education have been participating in federal mediation sessions
  • The union said its main concern is teachers feeling unsafe in the classrooms
  • So far, the district and union have not been able to come to an agreement
  • The union plans to begin striking on Monday if an agreement is not reached

The union filed a strike and picket notice on Dec. 29, telling its members to be ready to strike at 12:01 a.m. on Jan. 9. 

Fawn Porter has several children in the Akron Public Schools system and said she supports the teachers’ decision to strike. 

“I think the teachers and the parents as well have the right to have better income and be able to have our children safe and fight for the things that they need,” said Porter. “So if it is a strike that they have to have, then I’m sure that they will figure out how to school the children from home or whatnot until it gets fixed.” 

“I know the children that I have at Buchtel high school and middle school have been locked down on different occasions, when they had a gun in the school and a fight,” Porter continued. “My daughter plays in the band and they shut down one of the basketball games too because there was a fight there. We would rather have our children safe than have harm come to them or the teachers, so they need to do what they need to do.” 

The union and district will meet again on Saturday for another federal mediation session. 

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