Ambassadors, seeds team keep downtown clean, safe

Ambassadors, seeds team keep downtown clean, safe

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CLEVELAND — The Downtown Cleveland Alliance has a seeds team that helps clean up trash and maintain some of the landscaping downtown.

What You Need To Know

  • The Downtown Cleveland Alliance has ambassadors 
  • The Ambassadors can maintain landscaping and help keep residents safe 
  • The Ambassadors have been busier than ever now that more people are coming downtown 

“The best way of looking at it I think is we take the level of services the city provides, and we take it to the next level,” The Alliance’s Senior Vice President Edward Eckhart said.

Eckhart said they’re busier than ever since more people are coming back to downtown. The seeds team has to come there at least every two weeks. 

Safety ambassadors also walk their beats in case someone needs an escort while walking home or if they accidentally locked themselves out of their car. 

“With pedestrian traffic starting to increase, obviously there’s more debris with all the residents we have living downtown we’re an animal-friendly environment down here,” Eckhart said. 

Which means some days, people may see some dog droppings, and cleaning them up is only a phone call away. 

“Danielle right in front 1112 Euclid there’s some dog feces,” Eckhart said. “Can you send someone to take care of it?”

The Alliance maintains Perk Park, and it has bags available to pick up dog droppings. Harlem Floyd said the park is right down the street from his home. 

“It’s super convenient because I don’t have to bring my own bag,” Floyd said.

Eckhart said that if the owner doesn’t clean up after the dog, then one of their seeds team members will.

“We just want the space to be comfortable and welcoming and safe for everybody.” Eckhart said. 

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