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As weather warms up, take action to prevent skin cancer

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WISCONSIN — With more days of sunshine and warmth on the horizon, medical experts are doing their best to get Wisconsinites thinking about skin cancer prevention before it’s too late.

“The best situation, as we all know, is not to get it,” said Dr. Mark Albertini, a melanoma researcher and oncologist at the UW Carbone Cancer Center. “If you do get it, the best thing is to get it very early and that early-stage is almost always very curable.”

Albertini added that some easy ways to prevent skin cancer or melanoma from developing include staying out of the sun during peak daylight hours, using sunblock with an SPF of 30 or higher, using a broad-brimmed hat and avoiding blistering sunburns.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said skin cancer is the most preventable type of cancer, knowing what to watch for and reaching out to a health care provider immediately upon noticing any potential signs of it, can be the difference between life and death.

“I think the self-awareness in terms of the skin [is critical] and if you notice any spots that are changing or concerning, or are different than the other areas, have a very low threshold to have those looked at by your care provider,” Albertini said.

Watch the full interview above. 

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