Biden administration announces plan to replace all of nations lead pipes

Biden administration announces plan to replace all of nations lead pipes

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Saying no American should drink water contaminated with lead, the Biden administration on Thursday announced a plan to replace all of the nation’s lead service lines.

What You Need To Know

  • Saying no American should drink water contaminated with lead, the Biden administration on Thursday announced a plan to replace all of the nation’s lead service lines
  • As part of the initiative, the Environmental Protection Agency will send $2.9 billion next year from the newly passed bipartisan infrastructure law to states, territories and tribes to replace lead pipes
  • Vice President Kamala Harris announced the plan in a speech Thursday at the AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington
  • Lead can enter drinking water when plumbing materials corrode, and hen consumed, the poisonous metal can cause a number of health problems, especially in children

As part of the initiative, the Environmental Protection Agency will send $2.9 billion next year from the newly passed bipartisan infrastructure law to states, territories and tribes to replace lead pipes. 

Lead can enter drinking water when plumbing materials corrode. When consumed, the poisonous metal can cause a number of health problems, including higher blood pressure and decreased kidney function in adults. It can cause premature births and birth defects in unborn children. And even low levels in children can severely harm their physical and mental development.

Lead pipes still carry water into up to 10 million American households, and 400,000 schools and child care centers also are at risk of exposure to lead in their water, the White House said.

Vice President Kamala Harris announced the plan in a speech Thursday at the AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington.

Harris said she’s spoken to many parents over the years “who were worried that every time they turned on the faucet to give their child a glass of water that they may be filling that glass with poison. Parents who worry as they make breakfast in the morning or in the evening help their children to brush their teeth that they are exposing their children to something that could harm them.

“The bottom line is that there is no reason in the 21st century for why people are still exposed to this substance that was poisoning people back in the 18th century,” the vice president said.

Harris said low-income communities and communities of colors are disproportionately exposed to lead. She added that there’s also a financial cost of billions of dollars — from higher health care costs, lower earnings and lower tax revenue. 

The White House plan calls for 15 new actions from more than 10 federal agencies. They include working with local, state and federal partners to accelerate the replacement of lead pipes over the next decade, the EPA launching a new regulatory process to protect communities from lead in drinking water, and the Treasury Department clarifying that leftover funding for state and local governments from the American Rescue Plan can be used for replacing lead service lines, faucets and fixtures.

The plan also seeks to remediate lead paint, which presents significant hazards to 24 million housing units nationwide, according to the White House.

The EPA rules, which are not expected to be finalized until 2024, would require lead pipes be replaced as quickly as possible and could also include new testing requirements for drinking water systems.

“Over the past year, I have visited with and heard from communities in Chicago, Flint, Jackson, and many other areas that are impacted by lead in drinking water,” EPA Administrator Michael Regan said in a statement. “These conversations have underscored the need to proactively remove lead service lines, especially in low-income communities. The science on lead is settled—there is no safe level of exposure and it is time to remove this risk to support thriving people and vibrant communities.”

The infrastructure law includes $15 billion for lead service line replacement, but that might not be enough. The American Water Works Association estimates the cost to replace all of the country’s lead pipes could exceed $60 billion, and Biden initially sought $45 billion to cover the cost.

The White House says it’s continuing to work with Congress to provide resources aimed at ensuring clean drinking water and removing lead paint through Biden’s $1.85 trillion Build Back Better proposal. 

Harris said she chose to make Thursday’s announcement at the AFL-CIO headquarters because skilled union workers, including plumbers and pipe fitters, will be needed to install the new pipes.

“We need your help to make sure this is the beginning of the end for lead in America,” she told the audience.

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