Black Friday brings out more shoppers than in 2020

Black Friday brings out more shoppers than in 2020

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CINCINNATI — It was a busy morning for many shoppers as they looked for the best deals this Black Friday. And while stores weren’t crowded last year, it was much different this time around. 

Jackie Lyons has been shooping on Black Fridays for the past 20 years. She knows all the deals and said it’s worth it.

What You Need To Know

  • Black Friday Shopping this year looks different
  • The National Retail Federation estimated 200 more people shopped this Thanksgiving weekend than in 2020
  • Jackie Lyons has been Black Friday shopping for the past 20 years
  • She said she noticed there was definitely more people out this year than last

“You get deep discounts and you see a lot of people around here because they are getting hundreds of dollars off of a gift, which allows you to take that money to buy something else,” said Lyons. 

On Friday, Lyons found the hoverboard she’s had her eyes on. It was one of only two left. It’s not the exact one she wanted, but she said it’s even better.

“It’s actually okay because I was debating on getting that one,” she said. “But this one has a lot more stuff he can do with it.”

Every year Lyons has a game plan. In early November, she begins researching Black Friday ads. From there she comes up with her list. But this year is a little different. 

“Every year you kind of got to change a little bit because of COVID,” she said. “I use to could just be inside the store. I had to wait outside the store this time.”

Lyons was one of millions of people to shop on Black Friday this year. The National Retail Federation estimates that nearly 2 million more people were expected to shop this Thanksgiving weekend than in 2020. 

“Last year, it was not this many people out and it was easier to get the things you wanted because people were not out,” she said. 

With everything crossed off her list, it was finally time to check out. Despite the minor changes, Lyons said Black Friday shopping this year was a success.

“I have saved over $300 on gifts and on Christmas Day my kids are going to be so lit up and other kids I buy for,” she said. “And I bought them things they really wanted at a price I could afford.”

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