Businesses excited for Bengals home playoff game

Businesses excited for Bengals home playoff game

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CINCINNATI — The excitement is building both on and off the field as the Cincinnati Bengals prepare to host a playoff game for the first time in six years.

The Bengals take on the Raiders Saturday afternoon. But for businesses, this could be the best day for them in an otherwise difficult time of the year.

What You Need To Know

  • The Cincinnati Bengals are hosting their first playoff game in six years
  • Businesses in the Banks, an area close to the stadium with restaurants and bars, are looking forward to business on Saturday
  • Business owners say January and February are typically their worst months, so the added playoff game will make a big difference
  • Expect large crowds similar to Opening Day in the Banks as the Bengals take on the Raiders on Saturday afternoon

“Saturday is going to be almost Opening Day-like down here,” said Jim Moehring, the owner of Holy Grail Tavern and Grille in the Banks.

Moehring didn’t put it lightly. This game is huge for his business.

“Up until Opening Day, this is it,” he said. “I mean this to us, every game, every dollar counts at this time of year.”

Restaurants and bars have been some of the hardest-hit businesses during the pandemic.

“We’ve been riding the roller coaster for two years,” said Nathan Whittington, the executive chef at Moerlein Lager House also in the Banks area.

Whittington said having a home playoff game just down the road is just what they needed to get over the most difficult part of the year.

“Traditionally, in our business, January’s and February’s are really slow months for us anyways,” Whittington said. “So having that playoff, having the extra build of people coming in the restaurant, people getting to see us, some people for the first time. Our location is huge. We’ve got a great view of the river, right here at the Banks and right next to the stadium. So we think this will build and drive more people in the doors.”

Moehring said not only is this time of year tough in the industry, but with COVID cases rising it’s been even slower than usual.

“We’ve seen the effects over the last three weeks,” Moehring said. “Things have slowed down drastically. University of Cincinnati’s playoff game was huge for us and it brings people out. This is going to be the exact same thing on Saturday.”

Which is just another reason why business owners in the Banks are just glad to have another weekend with their restaurants and bars filled with Bengals fans.

“Our Bengals games are some of our biggest days,” Whittington said. “We love having the crowds in here, the hometown team. And to be able to host a playoff game, it’s been a long time since we’ve had that privilege here. We’re looking forward to packing the restaurant.”

“This goes back 10 years now when we built this place,” Moehring said. “We did it down here because I’m a die-hard Red’s fan, a die-hard Bengals fan. We just assumed there would be playoff games and the fact that we haven’t had a home game in six years for a playoff game, it just adds to it.”


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