CDC says Group A Strep cases may be on the rise in children

CDC says Group A Strep cases may be on the rise in children

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OHIO — The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that strep infections may be on the rise, including Group A Strep. The concerning part of this is the invasive strand of the infection.

Dr. Elizabeth Schlaudecker, the medical director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, explained why it is of great concern.

What You Need To Know

  • The CDC is investigating a potential rise in Group A Strep cases among children
  • The increased number of influenza, RSV and other viral infection cases has typically preceded the onset of Group A Strep
  • Doctors advise parents to make sure their children are up to date with flu and chickenpox vaccines, since getting these infections can increase risk for getting Group A Strep 

“A lot of the cases we’re seeing are in kids who had a preceding influenza infection and then have developed a Group A strep infection that is invasive,” Schlaudecker said.

Schlaudecker said it can cause toxic shock syndrome, pneumonia and other viral and potentially deadly diseases.

“It is usually very treatable if you catch it early because it is a bacteria, so it is treated by antibiotics,” she said. 

According to Schlaudecker, there are ways you can protect your children.

“Even though we don’t have a vaccine for Group A Strep, most of the cases come after a virus that can be prevented with a vaccine,” she said.

While there is not a specific vaccine available for Group A Strep, Schlaudecker advises parents have their children vaccinated against common viral diseases, such as the flu, to help prevent contracting the illness. 

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