Cincinnatis new interim police chief making history

Cincinnatis new interim police chief making history

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CINCINNATI — A big change is in the works for southwest Ohio’s largest police department. City of Cincinnati officials announced Wednesday that Teresa Theetge will serve as the city’s interim chief of police.

She will be the first woman to serve in the position.

What You Need To Know

  • The City of Cincinnati named Teresa Theetge interim police chief
  • Theetge has been the assistant police chief for the last six years and in the police department for the last 31 years
  • Chief Eliot Issac’s last day will be Friday, and his retirement starts March 1

Police officers have been out in full force to secure the city during the Bengals history-making Super Bowl game celebrations. 


Now it’s Cincinnati’s police department making historic moves.

“Hopefully, my friends and family are watching right now because this is the first they’re hearing about it,” said Theetge.

“I look forward to being the first female and showing that I can do it just as a male counterpart can do it, but I also look forward to the day when race or gender is not part of the conversation,” Theetge added.

She’s been second in command, the assistant police chief, under Chief Eliot Isaac for the last six years and in the department for 31 years. 

She already has ideas about what she’ll do when she’s moved to the top spot.

“As you know, we’re approaching springtime weather that oftentimes, data shows us brings us an uptick in violent crime, so I’ll be working with my counterparts to figure out a plan,” said Theetge.

She’ll officially take on police chief duties Friday. It’s the same day that will also be Isaac’s last day on the job.  

“33 years. What an amazing journey. Sometimes you’re just left in awe of a career like this,” said Isaac.

He says he plans to take some much-needed vacation time until his retirement kicks in on March 1. Even then he says he’s not done yet.

“I’ll be back in some capacity, somewhere and my support will always be there. As the manager mentioned, I’ll certainly assist in any way I can in the selection of the next police chief,” said Isaac.

City leaders opened a national search to find another permanent police chief. 

There is no date set yet on when that might be, but when the finalists are picked, there will be a town hall to ask questions of those trying to get the permanent spot.

It’s unclear whether one of them will be Theetge.

“Never say never. We’ll see what the future brings,” said Theetge.

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