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City leaders share new master plan for the West Side Market

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CLEVELAND — City leaders unveiled a master plan for the West Side Market this week.

What You Need To Know

  • City leaders shared a new master plan for the West Side Market in a public meeting
  • The plan’s primary purpose is to transfer operations from the city to a new nonprofit, the Cleveland Public Market Corporation
  • The city will retain ownership
  • Leaders are prioritizing adding air conditioning and heat and taking care of needed repairs to the roof, elevator and more
  • The plan seeks renovations to the basement, more seating inside and outside the market, a new kitchen and event space for educational programming and a food hall

Its primary purpose is to transfer operations from the city to a newly established nonprofit: the Cleveland Public Market Corporation. The city will retain ownership of the market, but the nonprofit will be responsible for running operations. Senior Strategist for the West Side Market, Jessica Trivisonno, said this will create more stability in the market.


“One of the real upsides about having a nonprofit that going to be running the market is that they can look to philanthropic donations,” she said. “They can look to sponsorships, they can look to tax credits.”

The $44 million plan addresses ongoing issues with the roof, elevator and more, and also details a number of renovations to the physical space. In May, Cleveland City Council allocated $10 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds to the West Side Market, but the nonprofit will have to secure the rest.

Ruby Thomas, operator at Ohio City Pasta, which has a stand in the market, said she’s been closely involved in the planning efforts and feels excited about what’s to come.

“West Side Market is just a really cool experience,” Thomas said. “It’s where everybody brings their family and friends when they come in town. You’re hard pressed to find any other place like this around here.”

The plan includes renovations to the basement, more seating in a number of places throughout the market, a kitchen and event space for educational programming, a food hall where local businesses could sell beer and more.


Trivisonno said the plan is just a set of recommendations at this point.

“What we really wanted to do is make sure that the nonprofit had a place to start, but it’s, you know, fungible,” Trivisonno said. “So, as things change, the plan could change. This is just a really, we think, good starting place.”

She said the goal is for the Cleveland Public Market Corporation to take over operations by 2024. 

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