Cleveland City Council approves American Rescue Plan Act funds

Cleveland City Council approves American Rescue Plan Act funds

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CLEVELAND– President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act was put in place to help give the country relief from the pandemic. In northeast Ohio, the City of Cleveland is receiving over $500 million dollars in relief funds.

What You Need To Know

  • The American Rescue Plan Act is to help the country with relief from the pandemic
  • Cleveland City Council approved to allocate $10.2 million to the Cleveland Police department
  • Some of the funds will be used for military grade equipment which was opposed by local activists

​​Cleveland City Council approved a plan Monday to spend over $26 million on public safety. The fire department will receive $3.6 million. EMS will receive $7.8 million. While safety IT will receive $4.8 million. And Cleveland police will receive $10.2 million.​

“A lot of it is around vehicles and equipment. Those were a couple of things that really helped us decide what we can put forth for all of those different safety categories. Things like, you know, air compressors to make sure that our fire department has tanks that have the appropriate air in them. Making sure that we replace our fleet vehicles,” said Blaine Griffin the president-elect of Cleveland City Council representing Ward 6.

For the police department, the funds will help purchase a new SWAT vehicle. As well as equipment such as protective gear, riot helmets, and solo shields for event response teams.

It’s something that was opposed by local activists.

“When they actually utilize these things like various SWAT equipment, you have to understand the mindset behind it. When you have something you want to use it. And so, you know, we find that problematic to want to invest in those types of things,” said Kareem Henton an organizer with Black Lives Matter Cleveland.

For Kareem Henton he would’ve liked to see the money used elsewhere.

“Towards the mini stations that they say that they want to put officers in that they want to have around the city. Perhaps that money should go there. Not necessarily to military grade equipment that is really not about protecting but about inflicting harm,” said Henton.

But Griffin said the funds are simply needed to help keep first responders safe.

“We send our police and our men and women in blue to go do a tough job and we want to make sure that they have the best equipment possible and we don’t want to put them in any jeopardy while we send them out to do a tough job that they’re doing,” said Griffin.

The City of Cleveland is just one of eight cities in the country to receive this level of funding. The money will also be used for other areas outside of public safety.

​”We approved four different categories and everything from health, safety, community, and economic development and also strategic investments. And at the end of the day, you know, we approved several pots of dollars that are going to guide us in our decision making process,” said Griffin.

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