Cleveland Clinic announces changes to scheduled surgeries due to COVID

Cleveland Clinic announces changes to scheduled surgeries due to COVID

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CLEVELAND — Citing a rise in COVID-19 cases in northeast Ohio, the Cleveland Clinic is putting a pause on scheduled nonessential surgeries requiring a hospital bed at Ohio hospitals, with the exception of Lutheran Hospital. 

The Cleveland Clinic said that the changes are effective as of Wednesday and will run through Dec. 17. 

Essential and urgent surgeries, as well as heart, cancer, pediatric and transplantation surgeries, and outpatient surgeries not requiring a hospital bed will continue to be scheduled during this time period, the Cleveland Clinic said. The hospital chain added that its emergency services will remain open during this period. 

According to the Ohio Department of Health, COVID-19 hospitalizations have increased in recent weeks. Currently, 16% of all hospitalizations in the state are tied to the coronavirus. The Ohio Hospital Association said that coronavirus-related hospitalizations are at the highest level in the state since January. 




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