Cleveland Clinic doctor recommends getting flu shots early this year

Cleveland Clinic doctor recommends getting flu shots early this year

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OHIO — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said up to 11% of the population gets the flu each year, and this year, doctors expect an increase in flu cases. Dr. Neya Vyas with the Cleveland Clinic encourages people to receive their flu vaccine now rather than later.

What You Need To Know

  • The CDC the flu affects up to 11% of the population each year
  • Doctors believe there will be an increase in flu cases this year, potentially because of COVID-19 restrictions being lifted and mask fatigue 
  • Cleveland Clinic is now accepting appointment-only flu vaccine appointments 

​“As the weather gets colder and more and more people start coming indoors, I think the best time to start getting the flu vaccine is now,” she said. 

The increase in flu cases this season is potentially because of mask fatigue, more people gathering together since COVID-19 restrictions were lifted and more traveling.

Vyas said COVID-19 boosters will also be available to people, so getting the flu vaccine now is a smart decision. 

“We’re also going to continue to offer the booster for COVID, so given the number of vaccinations that we need to give, there’s no need to wait until October to get your vaccine,” she said. “You might as well go ahead and start getting it now.”

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the flu did not seem to be something that was that big of a deal, but Vyas said it is important for people to get their flu vaccine ahead of flu season this year. 

“So it’s taken a back burner over the last several years to COVID, but the reality is it’s still around and it’s still very important to get immunized,” she said. 

The Cleveland Clinic is requiring appointments for flu vaccines this year. For more information, click here.  

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