Cleveland Slovenian celebration scares away winter

Cleveland Slovenian celebration scares away winter

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CLEVELAND — If you have the winter blues and are ready for some warmer weather, this tradition might be for you. 

What You Need To Know

  • Cleveland Kurentovanje celebrates Slovenian culture and is meant to usher in spring, with the main event a festival on Sat., Feb 18
  • Kurenti are creatures dressed in sheepskin and masks that help scare away winter with loud bells and clubs
  • Cleveland has the largest Slovenian population outside of Slovenia

Thousands of people are expected to help usher in the beginning of spring in Slovenian style during the Cleveland Kurentovanje. 

As the crowd outside the Slovenian National Home grew in size and volume waiting for the start of the Kurent Jump event, Richard Rousch prepared to wrangle the creatures. 

“These guys can get quite out of control,” he said. “They like to have a good time.”

Rousch was referring to the Kurenti. They’re mythical monsters that are the stars of the Cleveland Kurentovanje. 

“Each costume has a mask, a coat, some padding that goes underneath the coat, and on the outside of the coat we wear a heavy set of bells,” Rousch said. 

The bells weigh about 30 pounds and are worn around the waist. 

“It’s basically held by a pair of leather suspenders, so it’s not very ergonomic, but it’s very traditional to how they do it in Slovenia,” he said. 

Roush said he’s been helping with the Kurenti for about five years. And wearing the costumes hasn’t gotten any easier. All in all, he said the costume weighs about 50 pounds. 

“Personally, I’m actually a firefighter and I’d rather wear my firefighter gear than wear these,” he said. 

But it’s tradition and a way to honor his heritage. 

“This is a sheepskin coat,” he said. “This is all handmade in Slovenia. There’s one person in the world who makes these costumes.”

With Cleveland being home to the largest Slovenian community outside the country of Slovenia, it comes as no surprise this is the largest Kurentovanje carnival outside the country as well.

The Kurent Jump marks the start of the festival and is traditionally the first time the Kurenti are seen in public each year. The creatures jump around ringing their bells and waving clubs to help scare away winter. 

Roush said maneuvering with the masks and added weight is a challenge, and one he looks forward to passing down to his 1-year-old son someday. 

“Anxiously awaiting him to get to a size where he can fit into one of these costumes,” he said. “And I hope to one day be able to hand my costume down to him.”

This is the 11th year for the Cleveland Kurentovanje event. The main festival takes place all day at the Slovenian National Home on Saturday. 

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