Clintonville retailers give back to local charities

Clintonville retailers give back to local charities

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — For the past 17 years, Olivera Bratich has owned and operated Clintonville-based Wild Cat Gift & Party. 

“We like to say we’re a gift shop for the people you actually like to buy for,” said Bratich.

What You Need To Know

  • The first-ever “Clintonville Gives Back” event takes place Thursday evening from 5p.m. to 8 p.m. 
  • More than 15 retailers are taking part in the event 
  • Ten percent of sales are donated to Columbus area charities 

Bratich said sales this time of year are vital for a small businesses’ bottom line. 

“The Christmas season makes or breaks small businesses that are in retail. The gift season is so important to us,” said Bratich. “It really determines whether we can keep our business open next year.”

Small businesses in this Columbus community are a tight-knit group and this year, for the first time, 15 community-minded retailers are joining forces to give back to local charities this holiday season. 

“They’re doing holiday refreshments or live music, something fun to get everyone into the holiday spirit. And during that time from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., we’re donating 10% of our sales back to the charity of our choice,” said Bratich. 

Bratich’s charity of choice is Community Refugee & Immigration Services or CRIS, a nonprofit that aids immigrants to achieve successful integration into central Ohio communities. 

CRIS Volunteer Coordinator Flannery Rokeby-Jackson said the profits from the Clintonville Gives Back event will go toward a great cause. 

“This year we expect to see 750 clients, some in family, some individuals, which is much higher than last year, which was just over 500,” said Rokeby-Jackson. “We can use this money to further our 14 programs, including our refugee resettlement program, as well as use it for emergency needs.”

Bratich wishes her fellow small business owners the very best and looks forward to seeing old and new faces this holiday season. 

“There’s almost nothing more fun than choosing gifts for people that you love and finding the perfect item,” said Bratich. “The smiles, the laughs, the joy when you’ve found the perfect thing for someone in your family. It’s really special to be a part of that.”

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