Columbus Fire Department welcomes new class of cadets

Columbus Fire Department welcomes new class of cadets

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Columbus Division of Fire may have recruited its most diverse group yet with 16 cadets of color and eight women.

What You Need To Know

  • This is the Columbus Division of Fire’s third cadet class
  • This class has 90% diversity with 16 cadets of color and eight women
  • The program was created to expose minority communities to careers in the fire department
  • The program is a two-year paid internship 

The program is a two-year paid internship that was created to introduce minority communities to careers within the Columbus Fire Department.

Lt. and Cadet Commander Elisha Holmes said this program would have been a huge help when he entered the department.

“This program becomes that uncle, that cousin, that brother that knows about the fire department and can guide you through the process,” said Holmes. “That’s why it would have been huge. I would’ve gotten on almost 15 years earlier had that been the case.”

All cadets will leave the program with multiple certifications including a 240 Fire Certification, an EMT Certification and an Emergency Medical and Fire Dispatch Certification.

Along with training, all cadets will participate in rigorous amounts of community service to get the chance to help and meet people throughout Columbus.

“When you get this job, and you’re out on the streets, you’re going to push yourself to the limit for someone’s family member,” said Holmes. “You have to know and be able to stretch beyond what you deem normal at this point in time. We’re going to stretch you, that’s how you grow.”

The program has a diverse group of cadet commanders to offer mentorship and guidance. Cadets will have a chance to learn and train from firefighters that look like them and understand them, which Holmes said is vital in order to make it in the department.

“Sometimes there are unwritten, unspoken rules that you just don’t know unless you’re a part of the family,” said Holmes. “This program helps them understand those unspoken and unwritten rules so that they can have a really smooth transition into the fire service.”

This is the department’s third class. Cadets from the past two years have gone on to become firefighters and EMS workers. 

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