Columbus musician searches for soul of the city using the blues

Columbus musician searches for soul of the city using the blues

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — Many cities across the nation, including Columbus, saw massive protests in response to the killing of George Floyd. While some took to the streets, Dr. Mark Lomax turned to music. 

What You Need To Know

  • Dr. Mark Lomax’s “In Search of a City” is inspired by the pandemic, the increase in gun violence and the social justice movement
  • The production uses a mix of spoken word and instruments
  • The performance is based on recent conversations had with his friends
  • “In Search of City” will be available on all music platforms soon

Mark Lomax, is the man behind “In Search of a City,” a musical composition that explores the search for Columbus’ identity. He was inspired by the conversations he was having with friends and family about the protests, and the public health crisis.

He was approached by the Johnstone Fund for New Music, to see if he was working on anything new. At that moment, he decided to turn those conversations into a compilation. He uses a mix of the blues and spoken word to create an intimate and inviting sound for those listening. 

Lomax said it was a fun challenge to create and display a conversation through instruments, using tempo to express human emotions that are vital to finding Columbus’ soul.

“You’ll hear it where I start something rhythmically and Scott then enters into a line, same with the base,” said Lomax. “We’re trying to create a synergistic, performative context, so the audience feels like they’re part of a conversation.”

The guys, a part of Lomax’s band, have been his friends for years. Saxophonist Edwin Bayard has been working and rehearsing with Lomax for the past few months. The band rehearsals were the first time the old friends got together since the pandemic. Their conversations and experiences were transferred musically and allowed everyone to get creative. 

“Mark, musically, has painted a great picture for us to work with,” Lomax said. “Scott has put the words to everything in a brilliant way, so I think it’s going to be a fun and spiritual night.” 

Lomax hopes that listeners will not only feel included in the musical conversation, but hopes they feel inspired to ask themselves how they can be part of Columbus’ journey to find itself.

“When you get pushed up against the wall you feel trapped,” said Lomax. “You don’t make good decisions, so what happens when that city finds itself and creates an environment where people can make better decisions, because they feel taken care of, they feel like they belong”. 

Mark Lomax’s “In search of a City” will be recorded and released on musical platforms soon. 

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